2002 Nara Topology Seminar


場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C434 (数学小講義室)


講演者:Prof. Park Chan-Young, and Jeong Myeong-Ju (Kyungpook National University)

講演題目:「Vassiliev invariants and similarity indices of tangles」

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講演者:Prof. Jin GyoTaek (Korea Advanced Inst. Sci.and Tech.)

講演題目:「Strongly almost trivial $\theta$-curves and an elementary set for $theta_n$-curve projections

(joint with Youngsik Huh and Seungsang Oh)」

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講演題目:「Braids, Templates and Generalized horseshoe mapswhose periodic orbits induce all link types」