2004 Nara Topology Seminar


場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C431-2 (数学演習室)


講演者:金 英子 (京大理)

講演題目:「擬アノソフ組みひもと blinking vortex システムによる粒子混合について」


場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C431-2 (数学演習室)


講演者:Prof. Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)

講演題目:「Foliations, topology and geometry of 3-manifolds: $R$-covered foliations and transverse pseudo-Anosov flows」

アブストラクト: We analyse the topological and geometrical behavior of foliations in 3-manifolds. We consider the transverse structure of an R-covered foliation in a 3-manifold, where R-covered means that in the universal cover the leaf space of the foliation is Hausdorff and hence homeomorphic to the real numbers. If the manifold is aspherical we prove that either there is an incompressible torus in the manifold; or there is a transverse pseudo-Anosov flow which captures the directions of maximal stretch/contraction transverse to the foliation. A consequence is that 3-manifolds with R-covered foliations satisfy the weak hyperbolization conjecture.



Date: October 28(Thu.)

Room: Nara Women's University C431-2


Speaker: Prof. Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)

Title: Foliations, topology and geometry of 3-manifolds: $R$-covered foliations and transverse pseudo-Anosov flows

Abstract: We analyse the topological and geometrical behavior of foliations in 3-manifolds. We consider the transverse structure of an R-covered foliation in a 3-manifold, where R-covered means that in the universal cover the leaf space of the foliation is Hausdorff and hence homeomorphic to the real numbers. If the manifold is aspherical we prove that either there is an incompressible torus in the manifold; or there is a transverse pseudo-Anosov flow which captures the directions of maximal stretch/contraction transverse to the foliation. A consequence is that 3-manifolds with R-covered foliations satisfy the weak hyperbolization conjecture.

Note: This talk is given as as activity of Osaka University and Nara Women's University joint topology seminar.


場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C431-2 (数学演習室)


講演者:Prof. Boris Apanasov (University of Oklahoma)

講演題目:「Deformations of hyperbolic manifolds and their laminations」

Abstract: We will discuss conformal deformations of finite volume hyperbolic n-manifolds, especially for n=3. We start with a survey of many ways to construct such deformations, starting with well known bendings along totally geodesic submanifolds, as well as possible components of Teichmuller space. Such deformations give rise canonical hyperbolic stratifications of initial hyperbolic manifold and its geodesic laminations. These laminations may have (geodesic) singularities. Understanding of such laminations and their properties is crucial for Teichmuller theory.




講演者: Prof. Danny Calegari (California Inst. Tech.)

講演題目:「Universal circles for foliations, laminations, flows」

内容: この講演では次の論文の内容(およびそれに関連した話題)について紹介していただくことになっています.

Laminations and groups of homeomorphisms of the circle Invent. Math. 152 (2003) no. 1, 149-204


Date: July 16(Fri.)

Room: Nara Women's University C431-2


Speaker: Prof. Boris Apanasov (University of Oklahoma)

Title: Deformations of hyperbolic manifolds and their laminations

Abstract: We will discuss conformal deformations of finite volume hyperbolic n-manifolds, especially for n=3. We start with a survey of many ways to construct such deformations, starting with well known bendings along totally geodesic submanifolds, as well as possible components of Teichmuller space. Such deformations give rise canonical hyperbolic stratifications of initial hyperbolic manifold and its geodesic laminations. These laminations may have (geodesic) singularities. Understanding of such laminations and their properties is crucial for Teichmuller theory.

Note: This talk is given as as activity of Osaka University and Nara Women's University joint topology seminar.


Speaker: Prof. Danny Calegari (California Inst. Tech.)

Title: Universal circles for foliations, laminations, flows

We asked Prof.Calegari to give an explanation on the following paper, and related topics.

Laminations and groups of homeomorphisms of the circle Invent. Math. 152 (2003) no. 1, 149-204


場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C431-2(数学演習室)


講演者: Prof. Yo'av Rieck (University of Arkansas)

講演題目: 「A new proof of McShane Theorem :classification of cuspidal simple geodesics」


講演者: Prof. Rama Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi)



Date: June 25(Fri.)

Room: Nara Women's University C431-2


Speaker: Prof. Yo'av Rieck (University of Arkansas)

Title: A new proof of McShane Theorem :classification of cuspidal simple geodesics


Speaker: Prof. Rama Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi)



場所:奈良女子大学理学部C棟4階 C434 (数学小講義室)

講演者: Prof. Saul Schleimer (Univ. Illinois)

講演題目: 「Heegaard splittings of high genus」


Date: January 5, 13:00--, and 6, 10:00--12:00

Room: Nara Women's University C434

Speaker: Prof. Saul Schleimer (Univ. Illinois)

Title: Heegaard splittings of high genus

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