食品・栄養学に関する文献基本集成リスト(Food and Nutrition.Base Collection.)

<記載例>文献整理番号-->12.McLeod, ERnestine A.<---著者名
Nutrition education specialist Projects.<--- 文献名

Consumer Protection

1. United states.Food and Drug Administration.
FDA Professional and consumer activities.
2. Food Hygiene symposium,14th.
Proceedings of the 14th annual Food Hygiene symposium.
3. Food Hygiene symposium,16th.
Proceedings of the 16th annual Food Hygiene symposium.
4. Food Hygiene symposium,17th.
Proceedings of the 17th annual Food Hygiene symposium.
5. Food Hygiene symposium,18th.
Proceedings of the 18th annual Food Hygiene symposium.
6. Zotto1a Edmund A.
Clostridium perfringens food poisoning.
7. United State.Army Quartermaster school.
Prevention of food poisoning.
8. Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius commision.Rome,1978.
Report of the twelfth session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius commision
9. United State.Food and Drug Administration.Bureau of Food. Division of consumer studies
FDA Consumer nutrition knowledge survey.
10. Heimbach, James T.
FDA 1978 consumer food labeling survey.
11. Society for Nutrition Education.
Nutrition claims for food.
12. Atkin,Charles K.
The effects of television advertising on children.
13. Frozen Food Coordinating committee.
Code of recommended practices for the handling of frozen food.
14. Zottola,Edmund A.
15. North central Regional Project NC-120,quality and safety of Foods served in Households and Mass Feeding system
Foodservice systems.
16. United States.Animal and plant Health Inspection service.
Safe brown bag lunches.
17. United States. Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service. Environmental Contorol Administration.
Sanitary food service.
18. Threkeld, Joyce C.
Seminar on sanitation for restaurant owners and managers.
19. Hruschka, Howard W.
Storage and shelf life of packaged leeks.
20. United State. Federal Trade Conunission. San Francisco Regional Office.
Protein supplement health hazard and marketing deceptions.
21. Lisberg, Guinevere.
Effect of packaging on quality of dehydrated potato granules during storage.
22. Wodicka, Virgil O.
Authorizations and restrictions on soy proteins in foods in the U.S..
23. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Life Sciences Research Office.
Evaluation of the health aspects of sucrose as a food ingredient.
24. National Research Council Subconunittee on Nonnutritive Sweeteners.
Safeth of saccharin and sodium sacharin in the human diet.
25. Sweeteners.
26. National Research Council. Food Protection Committee.
The use of chemicals in food production, processing, storage, and distribution.
27. United States. Dept. of Agriculture.
USDA Grade standards for food.
28. United States. Dept. of Agriculture.
Patrones de productors de carne de res y de aves de corral.
29. United States. Dept. of Agriculture.
Standards for meat & poultry products.
30. United States. Agricultural Marketing Service.
Handled with care.
31. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat puchase specifications for cured, dried, and smoked beef products.
32. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for fresh veal and calf.
33. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specification for edible by-products.
34. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for fresh beef.
35. United States. Consumer ahd Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications.
36. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for portion-cut meat products.
37. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for sausage products.
38. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for fresh pork.
39. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for fresh lamb and mutton.
40. United States. Consumer and Marketing Service.
Institutional meat purchase specifications for cured, cured and smoked, and fully-cooked pork products.
41. Council on Children, Media, and Merchandising.
Edible TV.
42. Zottola, Edmund A.
43. Zottola, Edmund A.
Staphylococcus food poisoning.
44. Eshbach, Charles E.
Bacterial food poisioning.
45. Dudley, Bettye W.
Malnutrition and intestinal parasites.
46. Jones, Judith Lea.
Food safety.
47. How safe is safe?
48. United States. Food and Drug Administration. Office of the Assistant Commissioner for Planning and Evaluation.
Food related injuries.
49. Bryan, Frank L.
Diseases transmitted by foods.
50. United States. Salmonella Task Force.
Recommendations to the Comissioner for the control of foodborne human salmonellosis.
51. Center for Disease Control.
Foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks.
52. Consumer policy on food labeling : highlights and policy Statement of a national seminar.
53. United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assesement.
Open shelf-life dating of food.
54. United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
Environmental contaminants in food.