食品・栄養学に関する文献基本集成リスト(Food and Nutrition.Base Collection.)

<記載例>文献整理番号-->12.McLeod, ERnestine A.<---著者名
Nutrition education specialist Projects.<--- 文献名

Diet and Diet-Related Diseases

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Institute of Nutrition.
Lactose intolerance.
2. National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Infomation.
Computerized data base seatch.
3. Eichold, Samuel.
The medical aspects of obesity.
4. USV Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Mexican-American diabetic diet.
5. USV Phantraceutical Corporation.
Puerto Rican diabetic diet.
6. Conners, C. Keith.
Food additives and hyperkinesis.
7. United States. Food and Drug Administration.
Using nutrition labels with food exchange lists.
8. Leung, Virginia.
Overweight--its prevention and control.
9. United States. Food and Nutrition Service.
Una guia diaria para comer bien.
10. Girdano Dorothy Dusek.
The cognitive approach to weight maintenance.
11. United States. School of Aerospace Medicine.
The dietary prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
12. United States. National Center for Chronic Disease Control.
13. United States. National Institute of Health.
Food allergy.
14. United States. Federal Extension Service.
Elementos nutritivos esenciales.
15. United States. National Cancer Institute. Office of Cancer Commnications
Nutrition for the cancer patiet.
16. National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information.
A selected guide to audiovisual materials on alcohol and alcoholism.
17. Finn, Peter.
Kids and alcohol.
18. Groppe, Christine C.
What is your iron score?
19. Seelig, Raymond A.
20. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Committee on Nutritional Misinformation
Hazards of overuse of vitamin D.
21. Vitamin A deficiency & blindness prevention.
22. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Committee on Nutritional Misinformation
Supplementation of human diets with vitamin E.
23. Sugar Association.
24. United States. Federal Extension Service.
Elementos nutritivos esenciales.
25. National Academy of Services, Washington, D.C. Committee on Nutritional Misinfomation
Vegetarian diets.
26. Arrington, L.R.
Nutritional experiments for science projects and demonstrations.
27. New York City. Dept. of Health.
Buena alimentacion para la buena salud = Good food for good health.
28. Finn, Peter.
29. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and .Alcoholism.
Second special report to the U.S.Congress on alcohol and health.
30. United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association.
31. Kaufman, David A.
The educational aspects of obesity.
32. Alameda County Callf. Heart Association.
Menos calorias. para mejor salud.
33. Alameda County Calif. Heart Association.
Fewer calories for better health.
34. Fulton, Lois.
Baking for people with food allergies.
35. United States. Maternal and Child Health Service.
Feeding the child with a handicap.
36. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Effects of nitrates and nitrites in food as related to human health.
37. Florida. Division of Health.
When your doctor says that you need insulin.
38. National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health.
Slim and smokeless.
39. Summit Symposium on Nutrition, Los Angeles, 1973.
Proceedings of Summit Symposium on Nutrition.
40. Maryland. Preventive Medicine Administration. Division of Nutrition.
Baby's food calendar.
41. United States. Food and Nutrition Service.
Incluya estos alimentqs en el almuerzo todos los dias.
42. Read, Merrill S.
Behavioral correlates of malnutrition.
43. Los Angeles Co. , Calif. Health Dept. Division of Public Health Nutrition
What to eat before the baby comes.
44. Los Angeles Co. , Calif. Health Dept. Division of Public Health Nutrition
Comida que debe ud comer antes del nacimiento dei bebe.
45. O'Nion, Joan
Menus for the poor.
46. New York City.Dept. of Health. Maternity Infant Care-Family Planning Projects of New York City
Delicious Spanish meals for pregnant women and their families = Comidas deliciosas Hispanas para las mujeres embarazadas y su familias
47. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Extension Division
RCALL food selection guide.
48. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse U.S. .
Educational materials for and about young people with diabetes.
49. Cooper, Cynthia.
50. Walker, Mabel A.
Food guide for older folks.
51. United States. Agricultural Research Service.
Fats in food and diet.
52. Reber, Robert J.
Don't let your diet let you down.
53. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Committee on Nutritional Misinformation
Water deprivation and performance of athletes.
54. California. Dept. of Public Health. Bureau of Nutrition.
Nutrition and diet guide for nursing homes.