食品・栄養学に関する文献基本集成リスト(Food and Nutrition.Base Collection.)

<記載例>文献整理番号-->12.McLeod, ERnestine A.<---著者名
Nutrition education specialist Projects.<--- 文献名

Physiology of Human Nutrition

1. United States. National Institutes of Health. General Clinical Research Centers Branch.
How children grow.
2. Read, Merrill S.
Malnutrition, learning, and behavior.
3. Los Angeles Co., Calif. Health Dept. Division of Public Health Nutrition.
When you have morning sickness or nausea.
4. Departmrnto de Salubridad del Condado de Los Angeles.
Cuando sienta ud.
5. United States. National Library of Medicine.
Intake and excretion of fat and fibre.
6. United States. Interagency Collaborative Group on Hyperkinesis.
First report of the preliminary findings and recoumendations of the Interagency Collaborative Group on Hyperkinesis, submitted t the Assistant Secretary for Health. U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare.
7. Dury, Muriel.
The B vitamins in pregnancy and oral contradeption.
8. International Sugar Research Symposium, 5th, Mexico City, 1972.
Fifth International Sugar Research Symposium, Mexico City, Mexico, September 6. 1972.
9. National Advisory Committee on Hyperkinesis and Food Additives.
Report to the Nutrition Foundation, June 1, 1975.
10. Abraham, Sidney.
Preliminary findings of the first health and nutrition examination survey, United States. 1971-72.
11. Ricciuti, Henry N.
Malnutrition and psychological development.
12. Dudely, Anderson, Yutzy Public relations, inc.
The relationships between hunger, undernutrition, malnutrition , and learning ability and behavior.
13. Read, Merrill S.
Malnutrition and learning.
14. Picasso de Oyague, Alfredo.
Scientific study of malnutrition as a limiting factor in the development of education.
15. Probabilities of underdevelopment of the human brain as a consequence of undernutrition in the United States.
16. Seminar on Malnutrition in Early Life and Subsequent Mental Developrnent, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, 1972.
Nutrition, the nervous system, and behavior.
17. Roche, Alex F.
Skeletal maturity of youths 12-17 years, United States.
18. Malina, Robert M.
Selected body measurements of children 6-11 years, United States.
19. Hamill, Peter V.V.
Height and weight of children.
20. Kisbourne, Marcel.
21. Psiaki, Donna.
Current knowledge on breast feeding.
22. Klein, Pnina S.
Long term effects of infant starvation on learning abilities.
23. Fomon, Samuel Joseph.
Skim milk in infact feeding.
24. Brunet, Diane Clarabel.
The influences of the cultural milieu upon choices in infant feeding.
25. Cottingham, Jane.
Bottle babies.
26. Moyer, Elsie Z.
Basic data on metabolic patterns in 7 to 10 year-old girls in selected Southern states.
27. Hamill, Peter V.V.
Height and weight of youths 12-17 years, United States.
28. Weight and height, and selected body dimensions of adults, United States, 1960-1962.
29. The Relation of selected trace elements to health and disease.
30. The Relation of other selected trace elements to health and disease.
31. Nutritional supplementation and the outcome of pregnancy.
32. California. Dept. of Health. Maternal and Child Health Branch.
Nutritional management of obese pregnant women.
33. Abraham, Sidney.
Preliminary findings of the first Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971-1972.
34. McKigney, John I.
Nutrient requirements in adolescence.
35. National Heart, Lung , and Blood Institute. Hypertension Task Force.
Report of the Hypertension Task Force.