1.E-mail Newsletter (Narakara MM)
NWU International Exchange Center(IEC) distributes Narakara MM (e-mail newsletter) to international students via email after their graduations or completions of their courses.
This service aims to help them to establish alumni associations in their local areas and a new platform for academic exchange as well as to maintain and to develop the relationship with NWU.
Please refer to the following website for more information:
http://www.nara-wu.ac.jp/iec/int/en/graduates/narakara/index.html (English)
2.JASSO *Japan Student Services Organization
‡@ Research Guidance
JASSO dispatches professors who used to teach international students during their studies in Japan. They provide research guidance after international students return to their home countries.
Ask at the International Exchange Section of the International Division for further information.

‡A Research Fellowship
JASSO provides airfare and a daily allowance for former international students when they visit Japan to conduct followup research up to 90 days. For this support, they are required to have stayed more than one yer in their home country after their return.
Ask at the International Exchange Section of the International Division for details.

‡B The Japan Alumni Global Network by JASSO
The Japan Alumni Global Network by JASSO provides the latest information on Japan, employment support information, experiences stories and so on that are useful for international students who have studies in Japan. Check Facebook (Japan Alumni Global Network) as follows: